8 Happy Hacks to Rewire Your Brain

Kelley Hoag
3 min readJan 29, 2021

The main difference between my method of coaching and traditional therapy?

Besides the fact it’s a partnership above all else, I’m all about giving you tangible tools.

Here are 8 tools to help you passively rewire your brain to promote bonds between the neurology that promotes happiness, while simultaneously decreasing ruminating thoughts that are, to put it simply, bringin’ ya down.

  1. Start the day high-vibe

Instead of a honking car alarm jolting you out of sleep, title your alarm something nourishing; love, smile, joy, gratitude. This tiny tweak will remind you of this feeling the second you wake up and shift perspective immediately.

2. Cleanse your energy

Do a quick Instagram audit. Mute and unfollow everyone who is depleting your energy. Don’t think twice. There is so much noise and garbage seeping into your subconscious. Protect your energy above all else.

3. Buy the thing

You know those pens you really love, the book that keeps coming up, the delicious coffee that costs a bit more than what you’re used to? Buy it. Invest in the small joys. It signals to your subconscious that you’re worth investing in, even if it’s just $5.

4. Change your background

This is a juicy one — change the background of your phone to a photo of you when you were a child. Bonus points if you’re lookin’ extra wacky. Allow this to serve as a reminder of your inner spark and playful attitude that still lives inside of you

5. Switch your passwords

Is there a password you enter often? Change it to an affirmation. “123abc!” is low vibe. How about “Iampowerful.” Better, right? The repetition of entering this on a consistent basis will do the rewiring we are looking for.

6. Listen up

No time for meditation? That’s probably an excuse BUT, we gotta start somewhere, so instead of forcing a meditation practice that isn’t serving you, allow passive affirmations to work their magic. Try this one, it’s my favorite.

7. Toss 2, add 1

Have a spot in your home that you love? That cozy chair by the fireplace, a nook in your bedroom, your desk area? Throw out (or put away) 2 things in this space that are adding to clutter, or are necessary. Then, add 1 thing in with intention — a candle, a crystal, a shell. Energy, behavior, emotion, and thought are all impacted by your surroundings. Calm space, calm mind.

8. Bejewel your body

We’ve heard your body is a temple, but I actually think your body is your home. You live within it and it deserves some powerful decor. Chose a piece of jewelry (or buy one, you goddess, you) and set an intention to it. Wear it when you want to feel especially powerful, confident, positive. It’ll serve as a physical reminder of what you want to embody.

Passive. Easy. Seamless.
You can start incorporating subconscious rewiring into your daily routine today.
BUT — we often don’t take action because our internal blocks stand in our way.
Snag the free guide of how to break from your limiting beliefs so you can start allowing for more joy to flow through your life.



Kelley Hoag

Kelley Hoag is an LA-Based Somatic Therapist and helps her clients, both virtually and in-person, strengthen their self trust.